Top of the morning begins anywhere from 6:30-7:30 AM. We get up and are usually in a rush to get Gabe off to school! Rynn loves to help her brother do everything including brushing his teeth. The one thing she has to do before Gabe goes to school is hide his shoes. Drives me nuts! Because sometimes they are hidden so good.. I start losing my mind trying to find them and need I mention that I still to this day I can't find a pair of my dress shoes! ( I think the garbage must have ate them)
9:00 AM- Rynn is usually eating breakfast about this time and planning her busy day of tormenting the cat and making messes!
10:00 AM- Cleaning away! She loves to help me clean house.. Although I have to say cleaning really is not the
11:00 AM- LUNCH TIME!! You will know when it is lunch time in this house. She will point and grab things out of the cupboard! And when I start to cook her food she will grab the foot stool and put it in front of the stove/microwave.. and wait patiently for her food timer to go off! Way too cute!
12:00 PM- Nap time! One of my favorite times in the day!! She is usually a pretty good napper! She will sleep anywhere between 2-3 hours... which is awesome because that is mommy time. I can catch up on things I can usually do while she is awake!
3:20 PM- Time to pick up Gabe! Another one of her favorite times of the day! Although she hates riding in the car she gets super excited when she sees her brother. She will wave to him and start clapping! I wish had a video of this because it is just the cutest! But I don't! :(
5:30 PM- Dinner time! Need I say more! :)
6:30 PM- Bath time. I can honestly say she is a water baby! She can be really good in the bath some days and others all I can see is watch out because there could be a flood!
7:00-7:30 PM- Bedtime! She is usually zonked out after laying in bed for five minutes! But other nights she will fight me!
I can honestly say that From sun up to sun down, Rynn is a very busy girl! She keeps me on my toes thats for sure! Although I stress like everyone else.. I truly treasure these moments because they certainly don't last long!
What a busy little doll :] She's so funny sitting there waiting for her food!! Love it!!haha...Declan loves food just as much as her :]